Enjoy an authentic adventure traveling to the heart of the Esteros del Ibera National Park, the largest park in Argentina and the second largest swamp ecosystem in the world, here inhabit more than 350 species of birds such as the red macaw, the Chaja, the Spatula Rosada, Jabiru, The American stork and different species of animals that we can see during the excursion such as deer, gazelles, foxes, monkeys, capivaras, alligators among others.
The excursion starts at 8.00 a.m. from San Ignacio and at 8.30 a.m. from Posadas.
To get to the park we will cross the Correntinos cattle fields for 30 kilometers until we reach the ranger station where the nature reserve begins, first we will make the hiking excursion along the trails and walkways.
at noon we will prepare an authentic Argentine barbecue (Asado) for lunch, we also have vegetarian or fish menu options, for those who do not eat beef.
In the afternoon we will make the excursion through the vehicular path, this path crosses the national park and allows us to contemplate its entire ecosystem and be able to make wildlife sighting.
at dusk we begin our return to San Ignacio where we arrive at approximately 7:00 p.m.